
Tuesday, 18 May 2021

💚 Teresa,

 I dedicate this post to Teresa Kasner, 
For her love of the seasons, her beautiful home, her wonderful creativity, her kind messages left on my blog. Teresa you had a beautiful, kind soul... I was sad to read on your blog of your passing. Although I didn't know Teresa in person  I had followed her blog for quite some time... I remember lovely messages we shared over our love of Cornish wares... 
I will miss your beautiful posts on my feed in blog land but you might find me looking back on your posts from time to time. I will remember the blossom that cheered your soul while being quite ill... 

🌿           ðŸ’š            🌿
Its been such a wet May! 
I think every day its rained so far... In between showers & complete downpours we've been to some lovely places like Totnes Market town in Devon & The Duchy Nurseries in Cornwall... A beautiful walk with my mum near Harrowbarrow in Cornwall and the country lanes nr my twinnys home... Lots of lush green lanes of cow parsley after all that rain. 
The old abandoned Cornish mining buildings, nature has taken over like beautiful walled gardens. My shelf above the fireplace displayed for May with bluebells picked from right outside my door on the hilly lane. 
Writing notes in my garden journal... 
🌿         ðŸ’š         ðŸŒ¿
I've been busy creating as usual... Making patchwork fairies & finally got my artwork prints done. 
I've still had to ulter a few, slightly re work the colours on some... 
Sending a thank you to those that take time to comment here, I always love to see your messages they bring me smiles... 
And a fond farewell to Teresa 💚

x          K  a  z  z  y         x