
Monday, 22 June 2020

Step by step...

Helloooo out there in Blog land...
Gradually over these last weeks since the lock down rules have relaxed slightly we've had a few day trips during the weekends to The Duchy Nursery, Cornwall and visited some much missed and much loved Cornish ,Coastal harbours and villages...Like Charlestown and Cawsands, Kingsands and along the Whitsands Bay. Still, trying to find less 'peopley' places and keeping to Social distancing guidelines.
We have noticed a few more people especially. Usually, Cornwall becomes a bee hive of visitors and holiday makers but it still seems quite eerily quiet...which at the moment I am thankful for as our Hospitals wouldn't be able to cope if there was a crisis during the busy season. Signs are being put up in local businesses in our little Market town ready for reopening come July...Some have already opened but with strict distancing and 'phone and collect' rules.  And I'm so looking forward to seeing our indoor and outdoor Markets open and how I've missed the Charity shops. I've done a lot of 'Make Do and Mend' over these last months.    The weather has been a real mix bag, we've had some quite stormy weather, thunderstorms, flash floods and then beautiful blue skies...The garden needed it...
My peaceful spot...
My favourite times are early evenings in the garden...With a cuppa.
The seedlings had a bit of a bug and slug issue but some are surviving the worst of it...fingers crossed.
The mixed salad has been really abundant this year... I grew the Tomatoes from seed and they are taking their time to grow.
All the delights of my Garden... Apples growing well...
In between the showers...
A trip to the Duchy Nurseries in Cornwall... We had a wonderful walk around the Allotment style Bee Garden which was opened last year...I came home with some treats for my garden.
The Allotment style 'Bee Garden'...with Shepherds huts, wild flowers, gardens and allotment.
Beautiful Place to explore and their nursery greenhouses and plants galore. 
I've also done some watercolours and pen and ink drawings this is just a few of what i've been up to...
Beautiful Summer flowers from the walled garden...
We had a wonderful walk around the woodland at Dartington Hall estate...But I hadn't realised a horse fly had bitten me several times...a few days after my leg swelled up! they are nasty!.
wonderful wicker deer sculptures in the woodland. We actually saw three real deer and a fawn.
Cawsands, Cornwall...and a walk towards Kingsands...
Cottage windows...
Pebbled part of the beach walk and the pretty Cornish cottage with floral wreath on the door, Kingsands.
That view!!!!....♥♥♥♥
Whitsands bay...its so beautiful...The Cornish Coast really takes my breath away...

I needed the Cornish Coast...A breath of fresh air as we step slowly and gently into a new week.
Take care... x    K a z z y    x