
Monday, 31 December 2012

Seasonal round up 2012

A Seasonal round up of 2012

~  Spring in my step ~

I have been having a rather nostalgic look back through my archives of photographs.
A year of colour and beauty, Country side and coastlines, West to East, Jubilee celebrations and the Olympics...and the comforts of home with my little girl...Its not all been a whirl of wonderment and happiness~ Life's been a rough ride at times, but I dont document that so much on my blog as this is my happy escape and my place to document the happy, colourful parts. I have a lot to thank my daughter for and my lovely family ~ they keep me grounded and loved. And that's what always see's me through.  I find New Years quite daunting and a little anxious of what the new year may bring...but I find one step at a time...and focus on the simple things that give me joy.
Photography has opened up a really happy door in my life the last 5 years~ I love capturing a precious moment in time ~ And looking back through my photographs I can see how important it is to capture those really special bits.  I thought a seasonal round up of 2012 will be a good way of bringing the new year in.

~  Summer ~

A rather wet beginning to the Summer...

~ A holiday to remember for a life time ~

~ Autumnal days arrived ~

Bringing with it a late Summer of sun into September...

Sweet pea turned 6 years old...

Then it was my birthday and in a blink of an eye it was time to celebrate the festive season...

Its been good to look back and remember those wonderful highlights...

I wish you all a happy, healthy 2013!!!!

And I look forward to seeing your blog posts in the new year.
Thanks always for the lovely comments,

x Kazzy x


  1. Oh! my goodness what a smashing collection of wonderful visual memories.
    Happy New Year Kazzy! Wishing you much happiness and good health in the 2013

    Amanda :-)

    My New Year Giveaway closes 6th January -early evening.

  2. Che bellissime immagini, come sempre sembra di esssere in un libro di fiabe!
    Auguri di un meraviglioso 2013!

  3. A beautiful post Kazzy!

    Lovely to have your blog again....
    Here's to a happy 2013

    Hugs Tilly x

  4. You have some beautiful pictures and memories of 2012 Kazzy. I always look forward to your lovely photography and hope you will have lots of time to be creative in 2013. Blessings to you and Sweetpea. Happy New Year, Betty x

  5. Happy new year to you - I love your blog x

  6. An amazing collection of photographs Kazzy ... An absolute visual feast! Looking forward to following your adventures in 2013.

    Happy New Year to you and Sweet Pea

    Love Claire xxx

  7. Absolutely beautiful! I dislike thinking too much about the year ahead, just getting on with it is enough for me.

  8. Sending you and your sweetest pea lot of light, love and blessings for 2013 xox Such a colourful and cheery post, thanks Kazzy xox Penelope

  9. What a beautiful round up your photos are always awe inspiring!
    Here's to a happy healthy and prosperous new year for you both, and I hope life is kinder to you next year xxxx

  10. What a wonderful look back on your last your best year 2013....I can't wait to see what it Heidi

  11. Wonderful to see your images again....they really are gorgeous.
    Here's to much peace and happiness for you and sweet pea in 2013.
    love Jacquie x

  12. Happy New Year to you Kazzy and Sweetpea. Your review of last year is lovely and the pictures bring back the posts to me that you have written during the year. I hope you have an easier 2013.
    Sarah x

  13. Kazzy,

    Hope yourself and Sweetpea have a wonderful 2013- you deserve it! Your photographs are so beautiful, I love your blog, it always brings a smile to my face. Looking forward to following your adventures in 2013.

    All things nice...

  14. Happy New Year to you all, may 2013 be full of sunshine and happy days.


  15. Dear Kazzy! I''m glad that I found you and your dreamy blog ....I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year full of luck and laughter! And that all your dreams come true! With love, Geli

  16. It's just all too gorgeous for words Kazzy, how do you do it!! It's heaven looking at your beautiful pics!!
    Wishing you a wonderful, happy and healthy 2013, I really hope it's a good year for you!!
    Hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

  17. Wonderful images there, wishing you a great 2013! You've inspired me to learn to do more than just pop my photos on my blog, photo I come! :) x

  18. Kazzy, your blog is always stunning and captures many of our dreams! Thank you very much for sharing your happy thoughts. I must agree with you on not wanting to share the down times...Blogging is my tool for sharing only good thoughts as well!
    Wishing you and Sweet Pea a marvelous 2013! Looking forward of course to hear more about both of you. That lovely girl must be a great incentive for grabbing life with both hands!
    You are blessed!
    Happy New Year,

  19. I don't often comment Kazzy, however I pop in all the time and read what you have been up to. Love your photo's you capture such beauty. Wishing you a very peaceful and joyous 2013, may all things become resolved in your life in a good way.
    xx Sandi

  20. Wow, what a wonderful post!!! It has been a joy to the senses. I wish you a happy new year full of creativity and luck. A hug from Spain.

  21. Fantastic piccies Kazzy,
    Wishing You and sweetpea an amazing New Year,
    Hope all Your dreams come true,xxx

  22. Hi Kazzy

    Happy New Year to you and Sweet Pea.

    What wonderful photos. I always appreciate the details you pick up in nature and how you make your home look so magical, but all together they are stunning.

    Big fingers crossed 2013 kicks all your stuff up the bum and it's sorted good and proper.

    Lisa X

  23. Happy New Year to you and Sweetpea sweetie xxx

  24. Your photos are stunningly beautiful. I hope that you are able to build lots of new memories throughout the year. New Year - new adventures. All the best.

  25. Hello sweet Kazzy! I wish you, sweet pea and your dear ones a wonderful New Year filled with all good things, health and happiness. You are so wise to find one step at a time and focus on the simple things that bring you joy. I am so glad photography has opened a happy door for you. You are a gifted photographer and your photos are gorgeous! I enjoyed every single one and how you have documented the changing seasons! I look forward to the beauty you will share in the coming New Year! I enjoy visiting you so much! Much love, Paula xo

  26. Happy New Year Kazzy, like you say photography is fantastic isn't it, it makes me see things as a small child does with all the magic you get when you are little :-) x

  27. Ah Kazzy I am in love with your beautiful photographs - they capture such a gorgeous, colourful life. My family come from Devon, but now I live in New Zealand at the bottom of the globe, so its nice to have wee peek at your images of a pretty English life. Best wishes to you for a wonderful 2013! Becks x

  28. A lovely post to celebrate the year. I love your photographs and you have really inspired me to make more of an effort with my own!
    Happy new year to you xx

  29. Happy New Year o you and sweet pea. I have so missed visiting our blog the past couple of months. Love our round up of 2012 in pics. Here's to a fun filled fabulous New Year x

  30. What a wonderful blog! I just discovered and I will follow you now! Your photos are beautiful and I really like being there in the Uk!
    A hug from Italy.

  31. Super photos, even better memories.

  32. What a lovely review of 2012! Happy New Year to you too Kazzie, and I hope it brings you wonderful things!

  33. What a beautiful way to remember your year. And for me, it was like looking through my fave glossy mag. Happy New Year to you and yours! M x

  34. lovely photos and memories of 2012 and a happy lovely year to follow!
    have a very good 2013
    greetings leon10

  35. Such rich, beautiful pictures, I like the spring ones SO much,
    and already am looking forward to this gorgeous season!

  36. Hello Kazzy, beautiful beautiful photos, just catching up and wishing you and little sweetpea lots of happy days in 2013. the warmth is your blog shines through, good luck hon xx


  37. Hello kazzy what lovely pictures of your world ,i always love to visit you and look at your lovely house xx

  38. Such magical photos Kazzy!
    Wishing you and Sweetpea a very Happy New Year!
    Rachel x

  39. What an extremely lovely year in review! Thanks for sharing! I wish you & your loved ones all the best for 2013!! xo Karen
